三,在cocos3d資料夾中以terminal執行sudo ./install-cocos3d.sh -f -2 "../cocos2d-iphone-1.0.1"
四,注意目前cocos3d 0.7.2版只可整合進cocos2d 1.x版中
The cocos3d framework is built on cocos2d 1.x. Before installing cocos3d,
you must download and install the cocos2d 1.x SDK from:
*** PLEASE NOTE THAT cocos3d 0.7.2 IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH cocos2d 2.x. ***
*** BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD cocos2d 1.x FOR USE WITH cocos3d. ***
Unzip the cocos3d distribution file (which you've probably already done,
otherwise you wouldn't be reading this document).
Open a Terminal session, navigate to the unzipped cocos3d distribution
directory and run the install-cocos3d script as follows:
./install-cocos3d.sh -f -2 "path-to-cocos2d-sources"
For example:
./install-cocos3d.sh -f -2 "../../cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone-1.1"
The cocos2d source code must be available and identified using the -2 switch so that the
installer can link the cocos2d libraries to the cocos3d templates and demo projects.
If you encounter 'rsync' errors during installation, it's typically because you are trying
to run the installer without first navigating to the cocos3d distribution directory.
Be sure to run the installer from the cocos3d distribution directory.
That's it!